Monday, May 31, 2010

Basic Credit Tips

There are quite a lot of credit tips that will help you boost your credit. It must be remembered, however, that these are not quick fix solutions but are rather, long terms plans.

Close Examination of Your Credit Reports

The first tip is that you must improve you credit by first ordering your copy of all your credit reports and going through them with a fine tooth and comb. Surprisingly, it is seen that credit reports often have errors in them. Even if these errors are small, they have significance on your credit rating and thus you must set into motion the process for error correction. Some of the common errors that you might come across are:
  • Reporting of wrong accounts
  • Debt being considered as outstanding even though you have paid them off.
  • Various peripheral charges, late payments, and various other negative entries that should not be in the report, as a sufficient amount of time have elapsed regarding the same.
Moreover, if any of your recent credit application has been rejected for some reason, go through the reason for rejection in detail. This will help you get a fair idea of the problems that you might have, but had never realized till the rejection letter came along. This will help you immeasurably in turning around your credit rating for the better.

Timely Bill Payments

A simple enough tip, but very important. If you want to make sure that your credit gets repaired, you must pay all your bills on time. There are times when you have incurred huge bills and cannot pay the whole amount; in such cases it is of paramount importance that you at least pay the minimum amounts due and more importantly pay these amounts much before the due date. The regular paying of bills will definitely have a positive effect on your credit score and over a period of time you will find that your credit score has improved considerably.

Use Credit Regularly

If a person has credit problems, then he of she thinks that they are better off buying everything in cash. However, this will adversely affect your credit ratings. You must keep using credit as lenders need to know that you are still interested in using credit and also the fact whether you have turned things around or not. The very fact that you are using credit, in spite of, having a bad credit rating is evidence of the fact that you now want to use credit responsibly and are confident that you are going to turn things around.
These are just a few tips that will help you boost your credit ratings. There are many more, but these will help you get started.

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